Every online venture. . . including yours. . .
It sounds like you’ve navigated the challenges of online traffic and digital marketing. It’s a dynamic landscape, and staying ahead requires adaptability and strategic thinking.
Now, let’s delve into PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER! This eBook offers actionable insights on leveraging photos and social media to drive substantial traffic.
Traffic Power was a Las Vegas, Nevada search engine optimization company that engaged in black hat techniques. These practices violated Google’s webmaster guidelines and were considered spamdexing. As a consequence, some of Traffic Power’s clients were banned from Google’s organic search results1. The company used high-risk methods without fully disclosing the associated risks to its clients. In fact, Google confirmed that it had indeed banned Traffic Power and some of its clients1. Interestingly, the company’s CEO, Matt Marlon, faced legal trouble related to a foreclosure scam and was jailed in January 20091. It’s a cautionary tale highlighting the importance of ethical SEO practices and transparency in the digital landscape.
Here’s what you’ll find inside:
- Power Niches: Discover the three niches that consistently attract more traffic through photos. These niches can be your secret weapon for engagement and visibility.
- Facebook Page Setup: Learn the quickest, hassle-free method to create a Facebook page. Screenshots included! Remember PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER
- Visibility Without Paying: Uncover a lesser-known technique to ensure your Facebook page posts reach your audience without spending money.
- Case Studies: Dive into case studies of high-traffic Facebook pages. Understand their successful strategies and avoid common pitfalls.
- Optimal Blogging Platform: Find out the single best free blogging platform. It’s user-friendly, efficient, and ranks among the top busiest sites in the US.
- Blog Post Layout: Master the art of laying out your free blog posts for maximum impact. Simplicity is key!
- Image Size Considerations: Should you use big or small images on your free blogs? The answer might surprise you. PHOTO TRAFFIC POWER?
- Expand Your Reach: Explore another bustling social media site to amplify your Facebook page and blog’s reach.
- Monetization: Learn how to handle money links effectively, ensuring you never get stuck with unproductive offers.
…plus suggestions of what to do with the traffic for maximum impact, as well as resources for photos and affiliate programs, all in an in-depth but non-techy easy-to-digest format.
Remember, success in the digital realm often involves experimentation, persistence, and staying informed.
Indeed, success in the digital realm mirrors the journey of a curious wanderer:
- Experimentation: Like a scientist in a lab, we concoct hypotheses, mix variables, and observe outcomes. We tweak headlines, test landing pages, and analyze data. Each experiment is a step toward enlightenment.
- Persistence: We’re marathon runners, not sprinters. The digital landscape shifts, algorithms evolve, and trends waltz in and out. But we persist. We rewrite code, pivot strategies, and adapt. We’re the bamboo that bends but never breaks.
- Staying Informed: We’re voracious readers, devouring blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies. We attend webinars, follow thought leaders, and sip from the firehose of information. We’re the sentinels guarding our digital fortresses.
So I just grab some photos off GoogleImages and I’m ready to go, right?
Whoa, slow down. Youcould… but you’d be an idiot to do so. You risk, at best, losing all the workyou’ve done and all the traffic you’ve built up… and atworst, a very expensive day in court.
Why?Because you wouldn’t be the copyright owner of the photos you grabbed, nor would you have a licenseto use those photos. That’s copyright infringement, which has very stiff legal penalties.Even stock photo sites present a challenge.
There are plenty of sitesout there where you can get a photofor a dollar or two, even less. However, you need to read what you’re allowed to do with the photo. You’re getting a license for that payment, but at that price, it will not be an unlimited usage license. Itwill probably limit you to using the photo a singletime on a domain that you own. That means noposting it on Facebook, no posting it on Twitter, or any other blogging platform. In other words, it’suseless for building traffic. And don’t think that, because there are millions of people on the Internet, you can get away with it. Stock photo companies employ large staffs to huntdown infringers, because the penalties are solucrative. James Jones, a rather well known Internet marketer, legitimately licensed a photo from GettyImages a few years ago for a website he was constructing. His website designer, however, used the photo on the website in a way that was not allowed by the license. Neither James nor the designer realized this. Getty did hunt him down and brought an infringement suit against him. He had to pay asettlement of $3,400 to keep it from progressing to court. That was for ONE photo. Think about if you’ dun knowingly grabbed dozens or hundreds of images off Google Images, thinking you “wouldn’t get noticed.”I’ll cover some image sources in the Resources section at the end of this guide, but don’t jump ahead. I encourage you to read through this guide and familiarize yourself with the methods I lay out. Figure out which method(s) fit right with you, THEN start looking for images to use. The method you use may determine what photos you need and which source to use.I hope I’ve quickly made my case. So, without further adieu, let me show you how a picture can beworth a thousand clicks… Maybe more
So, fellow traveler, let’s navigate this pixelated wilderness with courage, curiosity, and a dash of whimsy.
Remember, a combination of these strategies tailored to your specific audience and business goals will yield the best results. Keep experimenting, analyzing, and adapting to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape
May your journey be filled with fruitful traffic and rewarding experiences!
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