They call it the “privacy revolution.” People are wanting more privacy when interacting online, so they are gravitating to new private social networks, like Ello and MeWe. How do marketers capture this audience and engage on social channels without advertising or company pages? For the purpose of this discussion, we will concentrate on MeWe. In her predictions post, Phyllis Khare touts the potential of MeWe among the newcomers in the realm of private social networks. “MeWe empowers its members to comfortably share their real lives online and easily communicate with the people and circles that matter most to them,” said Mark Weinstein, CEO and Founder of MeWe during an interview I conducted with him about the launch of the platform. Before Facebook and LinkedIn had company pages, marketers utilized groups to meet their audiences. Khare predicts MeWe will grow, especially among small interest groups. Is your audience one of those...
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